Special Occasions and Celebrations

Please place orders for the platters at least one day in advance.

+/- 84 pieces for large platters
+/- 42 pieces for small platters
Collection only from 9 am.

Large Savoury Platter – 15-20 people ……R 485.00
Small Savoury Platter – 8-10 people ……….R 250.00

(Cocktail: Beef Samoosas, Cheese Puffs, Spring Rolls, Sausage Rolls, Prawn Rissoles, Pizza, Chicken Pie)

Large Sweet Platter – 15-20 people ………..R 500.00

Small Sweet Platter – 8-10 people …………R 260.00

(Mini: Doughnuts, Eclairs, Custard danish, Koeksusters, Scones with Cream, Date balls)

Our Client Testimonials


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and we will get back to you as soon as possible.